Friday, 3 September 2010

Another Bright day

Well been an up and down week, feeling quite well and then someone keeps taking it away. Well Tuesday another chemo day... not too bad apart from this blooming vein problem arm still really sore.
Saw consultant right had meeting and then chemo , fun as usual with the chemo nurses. One of then is really funny really lifts you up. If I did not feel bad enough Jerry said I had a moon face.

Wednesday had a fantastic meeting with the Macmillan nurse really helping me get things moving... Well as I mentioned before I have these ladies that call in to make sure I am OK and eaten while Jerry is away and help with anything I would like.

Well one night and they keep wanting to send this poor young lad to put me to bed (this is the last call of the day ) when I have a bath so was not keen on this young lad doing that so just a bit awkward I am sure he is perfectly wonderful and if it was food and earlier on the day I am sure it would not concern me so much but when its 9 pm not convinced. I know at any other time I am sure it would be fun but not at the minute.

Well Thursday this week went for a scan , hospital visits seem to be the norm but never quick , had to be there for 8:15 am , went with Mum and her friend drove us as Dad was sorting Sydney.
It was  fun as any trip to a hospital was. When you first arrive for the scan they give you a drink aniseed flavour (not enjoyable) mixed with blackcurrant, not fantastic on an already funny tummy.
So took my flask and mum and Kath and we went to the cafe they had latte and cappuccino, I wish I was haing that and not this flipping drink... well only place to sit was on a table with this quite distinguised man in a pinstriped suit, he said it was ok to sit. Well carried on with our conversation and unfortunate for him my occasional wretching not plesent I am sure.... when is friend/college arrived he said that we had entertained him and was better company than his friends.... Also the only way I was getting this down was slowly.. thought I would try a packet of crisps thet cost 50p what a rip off but it did help then back for the scan.....strip off into the gown split to the back , keeping my dignaty. Then in to the room on the table hooked up to the dye that gives you a warm feeling when goes in.

After the excitment of the scan , off to try my wig ..... Sally (the wig ) is brill very natural Thank you NHS for a free bit of dignaty.
Not lost all my hair , but because of the limpness and as Jerry said I lost over half.. A friend of my that saw me last week with hair falling all over the place thought I would be bald this week but not yet.

Sydney back to school normality for her... reports still to finally finish. Rest week apart from a couple of hospital visits so should be better.. also got medication for a throat stomach infection so should stop feeling sick.

Thank again for the great support and comments it makes ,me smile. Just to let you know on the hard stuff now shandy still cannot drink wine. The other thing I am loving at present is fruit.. it sounds like pregnancy cravings.

Had some great conversations this week with friends and family and thanks for them for listening and talking to me.

Love to all that ready keep going and Iwill I will try and upload some hair picture to laugh at plus sally

Love to you all Natalie xxx

1 comment:

  1. Sat here drinking my tea looking at the miserable rain outside wondering if I'll ever get another line of washing out this year! Updated myself on your blog (I keep losing the chuffing link!) and now feeling inspired. To do what? I've no idea! LOL!

    Loving the name for your wig. I was thinking a nice pink one would be good too - we could get you mood wigs.... Mmmm, maybe not!

    Keep typing Nat - even if it's low, it's cathartic for you and helps those around you to understand. It also means we don't have to feel embarassed asking questions and we can concentrate on keeping you cheerful!

    Hugs (will try and get over to see you soon- will bring shandy!) x
