Saturday, 13 August 2011

I am coming back

Well what has been happening since I last wrote.
Well took a fab trip on a ship what great family time and some fab people.
Said good by to my CP friend hopefully they will keep in touch.
Also the saddest news is a friend that has not had it easy is also fallen pray to the cancer ..... I am here for her and things are looking on the up.
Well for me I am still here and a blessing I have... I have been to see the GYN again  this is where the funny story starts.
The women GYN went to see before the holidays , burnt the cells that had grown and another appoint after holiday went to the next appointment with my mum the problem of having someone that is always away ( where is he now working he will be home sometime on Monday we think) any way. I went in all organised with what  I needed to ask we went through it and she examined me again. easy I here you say not with me and my Vagina.( may be thats another story ). We then sat for the final discussion. She says I am going to take you in for an op to remove the growths.  ( easy I here you say..sorry not so ) I will cut a V and stitch up , ok then the problem in communication broke down. she says " I am going to keep you in over night " ok I here you say " I am going to put a catheter in " ok I say where as I have got urinary diversion , she says you still have tubes. Loss of faith plus concerns arose no answers came.
I am going to skip to the next bit....
Went to see a 2nd opinion,
I am going to continue tomorrow just to keep you hooked....... see you tomorrow xx
Hugs to you all and to all the brave cancer people I know naff name love and hugs I am here so talk I want to help xx